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The President of the High Authority discusses with Tabata Amaral, Deputy of the State of São Paulo

On March 24th the president of the High Authority Didier Migaud and the secretary general Lisa Gamgani, received Ms Tabata Amaral, Deputy of Brazil.

This meeting was organized in the framework of the Future Leaders Invitation Programme of the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs. The discussions touched upon the missions of the High Authority regarding the control of assets and interest declarations of public officials, the control of revolving doors and the regulation of lobbying.

President Didier Migaud provided details on the missions of the High Authority, its guarantees of independence and its working methods. The president explained the consequences of the controls carried by the High Authority. He also developed the ways of improving the French framework.

The challenges surrounding the creation of an integrity framework in Brazil were also discussed. Ms Amaral referred to the proposals she championed to fight against corruption, which require a strong coordination with the civil society and parliamentarians.

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