The High Authority welcomes four delegations as 2020 starts
On Wednesday 22 January, the High Authority welcomed a Haitian delegation composed of magistrates, representatives from the Ministry of Justice and the Chamber of Deputies, as well as a representative from the Anti-corruption Unit (ULCC). This meeting was part of their study visit in Paris, which aimed at collecting the expertise of French institutions to inspire future policy initiatives in Haiti, a country where endemic corruption in the public sector remains a major issue.
Marie Lintzer, Head of international relations and Alexis Bernigaud, international relations officer, welcomed the delegation and presented the organisation and missions of the High Authority. The presentation raised many questions from the delegation, which was particularly interested in the detection of conflicts of interests, prevention measures, as well as in the technical aspects of asset declarations. The delegates expressed their enthusiasm for the French model and their willingness to stay in contact with the High Authority in order to inform their corruption prevention strategies in the public sector.
The next day, the High Authority welcomed the third and last group from the Romanian National Integrity Agency (ANI) within the context of the EU-funded LINC project. After Deputy Secretary General Alice Bossière’s welcome speech, agents from the High Authority were able to present their work in more details throughout the day. Anne Délécray, Deputy Head of the public relations department, presented the collection mechanisms for asset declarations and declarations of interests. She was followed by Bruno Plumaugat, Deputy Head of the control department, who touched on the High Authority’s control measures, and Agathe Lefèvre, legal officer, who focused on the High Authority’s role in counselling public officials on ethical matters and preventing conflicts of interests.
This visit was a good occasion for participants to discuss the differences between French and Romanian definitions of a conflict of interests, the different range of civil servants covered by the two agencies, as well as common challenges. With the end of the French presidency of the Network for Integrity at the end of the year and Romania taking over, the delegation reaffirmed the ANI’s willingness to be involved in the promotion of public sector integrity at an international scale.
A few days later, the High Authority received a delegation from the Albanese High Inspectorate for the audit of assets and conflicts of interests (HIDAACI), as part of a visit organised by the Council of Europe. After a few words from Sébastien Ellie, Head of the legal and ethics department, and a presentation of the High Authority, the delegates were able to present their own work, which started a discussion around the common challenges faced by the two institutions.
Finally, February started with a visit of experts from the anti-corruption unit of the President of the Russian Federation. They were welcomed by Lisa Gamgani, Secretary General, Marie Lintzer and Alexis Bernigaud to discuss in details the technical aspects of the control of asset declarations, as well as technological innovations in this sector.
The High Authority is happy to share its expertise and to explore new ways of collaboration with these countries.