Les députés élus au second tour des élections législatives ont jusqu'au 9 septembre pour adresser à la Haute Autorité leurs déclarations. En savoir plus >


The High Authority shares its technical expertise with the Government Inspectorate of Vietnam

On October 14th and November 3rd, 2020, the High Authority participated in bilateral online discussions with the Government Inspectorate of Vietnam (GIV), organized by the French embassy in Hanoi. These discussions are part of sustained cooperation with Vietnam, following a seminar in 2018 and the reception of a Vietnamese delegation in September 2019.

The GIV is a government agency responsible for inspecting public administrations, handling complaints and reports from citizens, and combating corruption. It has extensive powers to prevent breaches of probity, both at the central level and in the provinces. In Vietnam, new anti-corruption legislation entered into force in 2019, and the GIV is currently drafting a decree on the control of the income and assets of public officials. The GIV has shown a real interest in the French control system in this area. During the discussions, the High Authority presented its model, shareed good practices, and explained the challenges it faces.

The Secretary General of the High Authority opened the first webinar. Head of international partnerships explained the missions and functioning of the High Authority, in particular its role in monitoring declarations of assets and interests. The GIV asked many questions both on the scope of action of the High Authority and on its human resources. It showed a specific interest in the functioning of the College of Members of the High Authority.

The second webinar mobilized the technical expertise of the High Authority to an unprecedented degree. Acting Director of public relations first presented the control of reporting obligations, in particular the procedures for registering declarations, creating databases, and assisting with the online system. The GIV was particularly interested in the identification of declarants by the High Authority, as the texts confers to the Vietnamese authority a large number of public officials to control (nearly 1.1 million). The adaptation of the means of control to a large number of declarants has thus been the subject of many questions. The High Authority also shared its practices regarding the publicity of declarations, an aspect currently being considered by the Vietnamese government.

The I.T division discussed the security of declarations throughout their lifecycle, outlining security principles and areas for improvement. The High Authority shared information on securing exchanges with declarants, protecting databases against attacks, and interconnection with other State databases.

The GIV is willing to continue working with the High Authority, which is delighted to extend its sharing of expertise with Vietnam.

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