Les représentants français au Parlement européen ont jusqu'au 16 septembre pour adresser à la Haute Autorité leurs déclarations. En savoir plus >


The High Authority continues its international exchanges

On June 15, 2022, the President of the High Authority received Ms. Gabriela Castellanos, Director of the National Anti-Corruption Council (CNA) of Honduras. The CNA is an independent civil society organization dedicated to fighting corruption, which is very prevalent in this Central American country according to Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index. The meeting took place within the framework of the Future Leaders Invitation Programme (PIPA) of the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs. The discussions focused on the missions of the High Authority and the CNA, in particular on the means of preventing conflicts of interest and controlling illicit enrichment of public officials.

On the same day and the following day, the High Authority participated in a TAIEX (Technical Assistance and Information Exchange) workshop organized by the European Commission in support of the Civil Service Bureau of Georgia. The TAIEX program is an instrument of the European Commission that allows the organization of seminars and conferences in countries in the neighbourhood of the European Union, allowing short-term assistance through peer-to-peer exchange.

After a presentation of the Georgian system of declaration of assets and interests, adopted in 1997, the Civil Service Bureau of Georgia presented its resources and its functioning. The High Authority’s staff then described the French system of declarations, its organization and monitoring, the scope of those who are subject to it, the formal control carried out by the compliance officers and the information available to the public. The second part of the exchange was devoted to the substantive control of the declarations of assets and interests and their results. The presentation generated many questions from the Georgian Bureau and the High Authority intends to continue its exchanges with the services of the Bureau.

Finally, on June 29, the High Authority participated via videoconference in a regional workshop organized by the United Nations Development Program in Lebanon on the efficiency of the systems of declaration of assets and interests. About fifty representatives from governmental bodies from Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Saudi Arabia and Tunisia were present. The High Authority presented the French system in this area alongside the President of the Greek National Transparency Agency and a representative of the World Bank.

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