Les députés élus au second tour des élections législatives ont jusqu'au 9 septembre pour adresser à la Haute Autorité leurs déclarations. En savoir plus >


The High Authority continues its discussions with the European Commission

On March 5, 2021, the Legal and Ethics Division of the High Authority exchanged with the ethics units of the European Commission. Participants discussed how revolving door cases between the public and private sector are treated by their respective institution.

This collaboration followed two exchanges organized in 2020. It aimed to share the working methods of each institution, and to discuss challenges and good practices in case analysis.

The High Authority presented how controls are run in the case of a senior French official willing to join the private sector, and in the case of a combination of activities of a civil servant. The Commission then presented how it handled the control of a Commissioner’s post-mandate jobs and the control of the revolving door project of a European civil servant.

The discussion raised issues related to the prevention of conflicts of interest, the different possible approaches in the conditions issued against certain professional projects, or the need for means to carry out effective controls, in particular in monitoring conditions.

There are many points in common in the case analysis of the two institutions and the High Authority is delighted to be able to exchange regularly with such a partner.

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