Les représentants français au Parlement européen ont jusqu'au 16 septembre pour adresser à la Haute Autorité leurs déclarations. En savoir plus >


The European Lobbying Registrars Network met in Vilnius for its annual conference

On April 25, 2024, members of the European Lobbying Registrars Network (ELRN) met in Vilnius at the invitation of the Lithuanian Chief Official Ethics Commission (COEC). 

The annual conference of the European Lobbying Registrars Network was an opportunity for the High Authority to present the report recently published by the OECD on strengthening the transparency and integrity of foreign influence activities in France. During this session, the COEC also analysed the main issues of the proposed European directive on transparency of interest representation carried out on behalf of third countries.

The National Audit Office of Finland presented the new lobbying framework, which came into force on 1st January 2024, and for which it has been appointed to administer and monitor the transparency register. Germany presented its system, in place in the Bundestag since 1st January 2022, and which has just undergone an in-depth reform on 1st March 2024.

Network members also discussed the challenges of improving public perception of lobbying and the opportunities offered by artificial intelligence in the lobbying framework.

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