Greece Pulic Integrity Forum
On 11 and 12 June 2017, the Secretary general of the High Authority for transparency in public life, Guillaume Valette-Valla, participated in the Greece Public integrity Forum, upon invitation from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and the Greek General secretariat against corruption, member of the Network for integrity. This forum was the occasion to talk about topics at the heart of important current reforms in Greece, from conflicts of interests prevention and management to whistleblowers’ protection, but also political parties financing and open government, from a national and international point of view.
The Secretary general of the High Authority intervened in a session dedicated to the management of conflicts of interests in order to present briefly the missions of the High Authority and more precisely its action in terms of prevention of conflicts of interests, control of revolving doors and measures that were recently adopted in France with regard to regulating lobbying activities. He intervened alongside Mr. Sotiropoulos, Professor at the University of Athens, Ms. Vlachou, Board member of the Supreme Council of Civil personnel selection and Mr.? General inspector of the public administration. The different interventions and questions from the audience allowed to highlight the importance of transparency in preventing conflicts of interests, but also as a tool to fight corruption and restore citizens’ confidence in public officials.
This forum was also an occasion for the Greek Secretariat against corruption to present its annual report for 2016. The presentation mentioned its coordinating action with regard to the implementation of the national anticorruption strategic plan, but also this year legislative initiatives to complete the Greek anticorruption schemes and trainings, awareness-raising and mobilisation sessions that have been organised by the Secretariat.