Foreign financial magistrates visited the High Authority

On 22 January 2018, a delegation of foreign financial magistrates visited the High Authority for Transparency in Public Life. These magistrates were from Burundi, Cameroon, Djibouti, Niger, Central African Republic, Senegal and Algeria. They were attending a training course at the Court of Auditors.
They were received by the High Authority’s Deputy Secretary-General, Alice Bossière, and international partnerships coordinator, Emilie Cazenave, to discuss the legal status of the institution, as well as its missions and results since the adoption of the laws of 11 October 2013.
Indeed, similar missions were or could in the future be entrusted to the national jurisdictions represented by members of this delegation, or were entrusted to institutions analogous to the High Authority, such as the National Body for Preventing and Combatting Corruption (ONPLC) in Algeria or the National Office against Fraud and Corruption (OFNAC) in Senegal.
Following the presentation of the institution and its various control and prevention missions, questions from the audience focused on the scope of public officials subject to declarative obligations and on the deadline in which these requirements must be fulfilled. Moreover, participants were interested in the criteria and procedures for assessing the truthfulness and completeness of declarations. Delivered opinions on the regulation of revolving doors were also actively discussed.