Les représentants français au Parlement européen ont jusqu'au 16 septembre pour adresser à la Haute Autorité leurs déclarations. En savoir plus >


Fight against corruption: the High authority meets with European partners

Fight against corruption: the High authority meets with European partners

On 6 April 2017, Mr. Arnaud Février, one of the jurist of the High authority, assisted in Luxemburg to a meeting set up by the European Partners against Corruption (EPAC). This network enhances the cooperation and the share of good practice of police surveillance and anti-corruption institutions of the European Union or the European Council members states.

During this meeting, Mr. Février presented the High authority deontology rules. He underlined the missions of the High authority, the deontology principles that apply to the college members, rapporteurs and staff members. He insisted on the methodology behind the deontology rules which take into account all the specificities of the institution and the inherent risks to every mission. Mr. Février presented all the measures implemented by the High authority in order to prevent members and agents from conflict of interests or other situations such as gift or invitation. M. Février also insisted on the transparency of the High authority regarding its budget.

It is the second time that the High authority participates to a meeting organized by EPAC after the 16th annual conference hold in November 2016 in Riga.

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