Exchanges with a Slovenian delegation on the French system of transparency and integrity
On June 15, the High Authority received representatives of the Slovenian Commission for the Prevention of Corruption. This independent authority is responsible for controlling incompatibilities of offices, declarations of assets, integrity plans and gifts. It also prevents conflicts of interest and regulates lobbying.
Slovenia is currently undertaking structural reforms on the control of its public officials and the Commission wanted to discuss the French system.
The President of the High Authority, Didier Migaud, welcomed Robert Sumi, Chief Commissioner of the Commission for the Prevention of Corruption, Sonja Jelen, Secretary General, and Jana Kulevska Črepinko, Advisor for International and European Cooperation.
The representatives of the Commission then met with all the departments of the High Authority who presented the missions, the organization and the functioning of the institution, the independent and collegial nature of which was underlined. The discussions focused in particular on the methods of controlling declarations of assets and interests in France and the existing sanctions.
Regarding the control of revolving doors between the public and private sectors, the Slovenian Commission indicated that it is considering the establishment of a pre-nomination control for Ministers and senior public officials.
Slovenia also wishes to strengthen the framework for lobbying. Many questions relating to the definition of interest representatives, their actions and their registration obligations in the French directory were asked. The issue of foreign interference was also addressed.
Finally, the Commission explained the difficulties encountered in Slovenia, in particular concerning compliance with the rules relating to personal data.
The next meeting of the European Network for Public Ethics will be organized by the Commission for the Prevention of Corruption in Slovenia next autumn.